Fun Ways to Celebrate Your Faith With Your Kids As a Single Mom
SharePinEmailSharing and living your faith with your children is an excellent way to impart good values and ensure they grow in God’s love. Attending religious services regularly is one way to create a strong faith in your kids, and some even look forward to it, as a survey shows that 44 percent of US teens say they…
Sharing and living your faith with your children is an excellent way to impart good values and ensure they grow in God’s love. Attending religious services regularly is one way to create a strong faith in your kids, and some even look forward to it, as a survey shows that 44 percent of US teens say they go to church with their parents at least once a month.
But apart from attending religious services, there are other ways to live and practice your faith with your little ones while having quality bonding time together. If you’re a single mom, here are some fun and unique ways to celebrate your faith with your children.
Make DIY Faith-based Jewelry
Engaging in creative activities like art can bring moms and children closer together. A recent study has found that parents have positive, playful interactions with their kids and reported enhanced well-being from doing creative activities together. Coloring, drawing, or painting together are just some of the most enjoyable activities you can do with your little ones, but if you want to celebrate your faith while making art simultaneously, consider making DIY faith-based jewelry during your bonding time.
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This project enables you to spend time doing a creative activity, and the finished products can serve as reminders of God’s unconditional love. Try making bead bracelets that spell out your favorite encouraging psalm verses, such as Psalm 23 or 46. You can also take a few sentences or a part from a psalm and create an uplifting piece by letter stamping on metal tags. Using a hammer or a mallet, you can transfer letter stamps to aluminum or stainless steel tags and stamp a part of Psalm 16:8 on the tag, such as “but the Lord stood with me and gave me strength.” You can discuss your favorite psalms and why they inspire or move you while making jewelry.
Honor the Lord with Your Talent
Some moms and their children love to sing, dance, or play musical instruments, and most of them put in the time and effort to improve their skills. If you and your child love to perform, why not honor the Lord with your talents? You can compose an original Christian song, record it, and upload it on platforms like SoundCloud or YouTube. Or how about making a video demonstrating Christian dance moves and uploading it on TikTok?
Meanwhile, if you and your kids can play musical instruments, think about forming a band. You can go busking and play Christian rock songs or worship songs like “Jesus Loves Me” or “This Little Light of Mine,” then donate the money you collected to your favorite charity. You can even play gigs at Christian birthday parties to provide wholesome entertainment for everyone.
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Go on a Hike or a Bike Ride
Kids have a habit of talking to God frankly, and they ask for all sorts of things when they’re praying. But then, there might come a time when your child will ask you why it’s taking so long for God to give them what they prayed for. Apart from wishes for health and family happiness, some kids pray for items or gifts they want. Some single moms also ask for material things or money when talking to God, even more so if they ask for a long-term solution.
Indeed, there’s no harm in praying for material things, especially if you’re in a desperate situation or unable to provide what your child wants. However, instead of feeling frustrated or sad, take this opportunity to remind yourself and your little one about the gifts that God has already given to you. Turn your phone off and go on a hike or a bike ride with your child. Being in nature can bring a new perspective, and it may help to make you feel more optimistic and cheerful.
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Talk about the things you’re grateful for– for instance, you can say that you’re thankful that you’re healthy and robust so you can hike with your kids. Encourage them to appreciate the beauty around them as everything— from the flowers on the ground to the birds in the sky– is a gift from God, and they symbolize his never-ending love for all mankind.
Sharing your faith with your children can help them cultivate a strong relationship with God. Consider these fun ideas to celebrate your faith with your little ones and be reminded of God’s love and care for your family.
Guest Post by Jennifer Dawson