95 Creative Random Acts of Kindness for Kids: +Free Download

SharePinEmailBelow: 95 random acts of kindness ideas to do with your kids from around the web. Grab your free download to take with you and check off as you go. Children love participating in Random acts of kindness. Naturally, children want to be kind to others. It’s as we get older, we start to feel…

Below: 95 random acts of kindness ideas to do with your kids from around the web. Grab your free download to take with you and check off as you go.

Children love participating in Random acts of kindness. Naturally, children want to be kind to others.

It’s as we get older, we start to feel self-conscious. Feed your child’s sense of helping others as much as possible now.

There are so many different ideas for kids to participate in Random Acts of Kindness. Although it can be difficult to find volunteer opportunities for young kids, kindness ideas are easy to come by.

I’ve included some great ideas from around the web below.

Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Kids

Hand Out Coupons

As you go around performing your random acts of kindness with your child, give them a job. Let them hand out cards to the recipients.

Download these Random Acts of Kindness coupons below and encourage others to pass it on after your child performs a random act of kindness of their own.

random acts of kindness coupons


Fun Learning Life shows you and your children how to paint rocks and add messages of kindness and share them with others to brighten their day.

kindness rocks

Related: Teaching Your Children Kindness in Today’s World

Bring Kindness into School

Check out these acts of kindness cards kids can do in the classroom, including lunchbox reminders from Wondermom Wannabe.

acts of kindness kids can do

Kindness Bags

Create kindness bags from Target’s Dollar Spot with your children with these ideas from Nuggetlands.

kindness bags

Have a Preschooler?

See Wondermom Wannabee’s acts of kindness ideas preschoolers can do.

Random Acts of kindness challenges

Option 1: 25 days

Perform one act of kindness for 25 Days with these tags from The Momma Diaries.


Option 2: 21 days

21 days of random acts of kindness challenges to do with your kids HERE

21 days random acts kindness - social

Related: Ideas of What to Give to a Single Mom on Mother’s Day

For Our Service Leaders

Thank a hero printables to keep with you in the car for your child to give to those who protect our country and communities from Pink Fortitude.


Use Kindness Elves

Summer Kindness Elves can inspire your children to spread kindness in a more tangible way. Check out how Thimble & Twig inspires her children.

kindness elves

Make Use of That Play-date

What Mommy Does shows you how to hold a winter coat drive during a play-date.

Kindness Kits

Make random acts of kindness kits – a perfect activity to make with Girl Scouts or on snow days from Gluesticks.


Host a Service Day Project

Whats Up Fagans shows you how to put together an activity days service project for litter clean up. Even with your preteens.

80 More RAK Ideas

80 more Random Acts of Kindness Ideas available to download for free and check them off throughout the year.

You can do them all with your children. Click on the image below.

acts of kindness ideas

Celebrate Your Birthday

See how I spent my 39th birthday when my kids and I performed 39 acts of kindness for others in one day.

Get Your Kindness On in Style

Give the gift of kindness to yourself and others. Check out the kindness gift guide for any age.

95 Creative Random Acts of Kindness for Kids: +Free Download


  1. Holly Bertone says:

    What a wonderful roundup of kindness! Thank you so much for including mine to give kindness to our military. PINNED! Hugs, Holly

    1. The military tags are such a unique & easy idea for kids – I love it!

  2. sumit kesheri says:

    It’s important to be kind to others and similarly help our children’s to be kind to others. It was a nice read. Will visit soon appreciate the message you are spreading from this post.

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