July Days of the Month Calendar for Families

SharePinEmailYou can get the full list of July Days of the Month here! There’s so much more to July than Independence Day. The best way to use the calendar is to hang it up and highlight a few celebrations for July that you and your child want to observe throughout the month. Then you have…

You can get the full list of July Days of the Month here! There’s so much more to July than Independence Day. The best way to use the calendar is to hang it up and highlight a few celebrations for July that you and your child want to observe throughout the month. Then you have your dates set!

July Days of the Month – Celebrations Beyond the 4th

We wait all summer for the 4th of July, then what? If you don’t have a vacation planned, it can be a let down for the kiddos. But there are actually over 75 family-friendly ways to celebrate July.

You can get the full list of July Days of the Month here. The best way to use it is to hang it up and highlight a few celebrations you and your child want to observe throughout the month. Then you have your dates set!

Here is a sampling of the July days of the month.

July 3

Compliment Your Mirror Day – Repeat some affirmations to yourself through your mirror. Teach your children of them too. They are never too young to start!

July 4

Besides the BIG day…it’s also Sidewalk Egg Frying Day. If you’re willing to make a mess, your kids would probably think this is the coolest thing you’ve ever done. Even if it doesn’t work!

July 8

Video Games Day – Spending 30 minutes of playing video games with your child could possibly make their day.

July 11

Cheer up the Lonely Day – Thanks to the digital age, more people are lonelier now than ever before. So, perform a random act of kindness and chances are you’ve cheered up a lonely person. Need ideas?

All American Pet Photo Day – If you have a pet, make it a photo shoot day. Grab the old Halloween costumes, put up an old bedsheet for a backdrop and make your own photo booth with the kids. I’m guessing if you just throw the idea out there, the kids will take it from there.

February days of the year for kids dress up dog

July 12

Paper Bag Day – If you don’t already, resolve to ask for paper when you go to the grocery store. I never use plastic bags. First, you get way more groceries in a paper bag (if they are packed correctly) and secondly, you can reuse the paper bags for recycling then throw the whole paper bag into the recycling bin.

July 14

Shark Awareness Day – Check to see if the Animal Planet or History Channel is running a week-long special on Shark Week. My kids can watch these non-stop.

July 15

National Give Something Away Day – Involve your kids to go through their toys and see what they can give to others.

Third Sunday of the month

ice cream for july day of the month

National Ice Cream Day – Be on the lookout for your ice cream shops in your town to have specials and hit up what you can!

Third Wednesday in July

National Hot Dog Day – As if your child needed an excuse to eat more hot dogs in the summer, here’s a whole day for it.

July 20

Moon Day – If you have a local college in your area, see about taking your child to the observatory at night to the stars and moon.

July 22

Hammock Day – Getting a hammock for my backyard is one of the best things about summer. I can close my eyes, listen to the birds and convince myself I’m in the mountains or the jungle. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. Sometimes you need that short break. I prefer the dry wicking ones because I’m lazy and don’t like bringing it in every time it rains.

70+ More Days of the Month for July

This was just a sampling. Want the other 70+ July days of the month so you can create your own memories with your kids? Download here. Enjoy!

July Days of the Month Calendar for Families