Your Identity in Christ: You Are His Treasured Possession
SharePinEmailInside: Listen in (or read highlights) of my interview with Tolu Osula as she shares her story and how she’s become a confident and treasured possession of God. We discuss leaving parts of us behind that is “of the world” and how to use biblical affirmations. Overview of My Interview With Tolu: We Are His…
Inside: Listen in (or read highlights) of my interview with Tolu Osula as she shares her story and how she’s become a confident and treasured possession of God. We discuss leaving parts of us behind that is “of the world” and how to use biblical affirmations.
Overview of My Interview With Tolu: We Are His Treasured Possession
To listen to the complete interview, go to the Podcast: Grace for Single Parents.
Tolu talks about what led her to write “His Treasured Possession.” She says the Holy Spirit put it on her heart to write the book.
“God said to me…share my story so that young girls can understand and know why they are created. And he wants every young person to know that they are God’s treasure possession…there is hope in Christ Jesus.”
Tolu describes the hardships she experienced as a child and the effect it had on her. She describes growing up without her mother and how her African background shaped her.
Related: Clinging to God’s Promises When Life is Hard
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. Deuteronomy 7:6
We talk about all things people try to do to fill that hole inside of us that is meant for Jesus.
“I tried everything, I tried relationships, I tried people, I tried clubbing, partying, and designer clothing or looking good all the time, but there was still something missing.”
We discuss biblical affirmations and how the title of her book is one found in the Bible.
Related: 24 Personalized Christian Affirmations – Who God Says You Are
“That’s the message I believe God wants me to pass on to the world that everyone is His Treasure Possession. He’s wanting to come into our hearts.”
Tolu gives us some practical tips on how to live and believe what God says about us and not the world.
“You give time to what you love, you give time to what you value. So for me it’s studying the Bible. I’ve come across various Bible verse that relates to my situation and relates to my identity.”
Things that have helped Tolu grow in her relationship with God include meditating on His Word, surrounding herself with believers. She even cut off some old friends that she says she wasn’t strong enough in her faith to be around them and they would easily influence her to things of this world.
“I think that what we expose ourselves to as a believer is very important.”
I love how Tolu was determined to grow closer to Jesus to point of taking off the things of this world. Eph 4:22 How many of us would be willing to walk away from friendships and social media to come closer to God?
“I cut off my old friends because I felt that at that point, I wasn’t strong enough to be around them and they might easily influence me back to the things of the world. And so, I intentionally cut myself off – about seven years – I didn’t have any social media. “
Speaking of her marriage she says, “There is no competition between him (husband) and God. He understands that God’s the first place in my heart and respects that and vice versa.”
Related: A-Z Biblical Affirmations for Your Christian Walk
We talk about how we all have a ministry and our family is our first ministry.
Tolu talks about how important it is for parents to continually affirm their children.
I love the “Telling Box” that she made for her children when they were younger: “I said if there’s anything you feel like you can’t tell mommy face to face, write it down, put in the box and every night mommy will check that box. I can read it and we can have a conversation about it.”
“It’s so important for children to be able to know that I can go to my mom or my dad anytime and tell them how I’m feeling. Be able to express themselves without being judged or being condemned. It’s so vital because I see a lot of that in my counseling room.”
Tolu was a single mom for 11 years and gives some advice to the single parents out there.
“One of the things I found really challenging was…if I had to make a very difficult decision and there’s nobody else to support me. I learned to trust in God because throughout those years God was my rock. I couldn’t do anything but continue to hold onto God’s promises for yourself and for your children. And that is grace.”
Connect with Tolu for More Inspiration
Instagram where she encourages young adults and singles:
Even if you’re not in the UK or into baking, you’ve got to check out her amazing cakes!
Tolu’s book: His Treasure Possession
Her Website: