Single Mom

Single Mom Article Archives

Setting Boundaries with an Ex-spouse

Setting Boundaries with an Ex-spouse

A divorce can be a difficult and emotional time for everyone involved. One of the best things you can do for yourself and your children is to maintain healthy boundaries with your ex-spouse. It can be challenging to establish boundaries with an ex-spouse without feeling like you’re opening up old wounds or crossing a line….

The difficulties of Adapting to Change as a Single Parent

The difficulties of Adapting to Change as a Single Parent

Charlene Williams talks about adapting to change well. We discuss how change or transition as a single parent can be hard on our kids, and how sometimes we struggle with change when it’s an answer to prayer. Below are highlights from our conversation. The complete interview can be found on Grace for Single Parents Podcast,…

How Childhood Trauma Affects Your Relationships

How Childhood Trauma Affects Your Relationships

What does childhood trauma have to do with our relationships today? Everything! Life, Love, and Trauma Recovery Coach, Riana Milne, walks us through the top childhood traumas, she helps us understand if we’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist, and how to move forward into love despite traumas and toxic relationships in our past….