Bible Memory Verses: “N” Romans 8:38
SharePinEmailMemorize Romans 8:38 with your kids. Included in this ABC Bible memory series is everything you’ll need for scripture memorization: lessons, songs, free printables, and how to make it entertaining. Memory Verse: Romans 8:38 This week’s Bible memory verse is from Romans 8:38: Nothing shall separate us from the love of God. Meaning of Romans 8:38…
Memorize Romans 8:38 with your kids. Included in this ABC Bible memory series is everything you’ll need for scripture memorization: lessons, songs, free printables, and how to make it entertaining.
Memory Verse: Romans 8:38
This week’s Bible memory verse is from Romans 8:38:
Nothing shall separate us from the love of God.
Meaning of Romans 8:38
If your kids found last week’s verse difficult to learn since it was a little lengthy, this week should be a nice break.
I’ve shortened Verse N for our kids to easily memorize the verse and “hide it in their heart” but the verse in full context from the NLT helps us really understand the verse.
It’s great to memorize verses but we should also understand the meaning behind them.
Romans 8:38-39 NLT “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
If you want to do a craft with your child while reading the above verse and singing the song for this week, here is a simple craft around Romans 8:38 for young children.
Printable for Romans 8:38
You click the image below to print Romans 8:38. You can hang the image where your children will be reminded to practice their memory verses.
Videos for Romans 8:38
For Romans 8:38 I have two songs. You can pick which one you and your kids like better.
This one is just like the verse, they pretty much just repeat it. If your kids are having trouble memorizing the verse, you can use this one.
This video is a popular Christian song by Citizen Way: “Nothing Ever (Could Separate Us).” It is not word-for-word, but close enough and if you want to add worship time into your memorization then this one would be perfect.
Your child learns best with all their senses. Encourage your child to take part in the singing, dancing, crafts, reading, drawing, word searches, and more that are included in the ABC Children’s Bible Study.
Miss a post in the series?
This is part of a series of posts where we are learning one Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. Did you miss a week? Click here to find the index.