How to Forgive with the Power of God
SharePinEmailThe power of forgiveness and accessing that power through God. How God can lead us to forgive others and staying grounded in our identity in Him. Overview: The power of forgiveness (01:25) Pastor Pitts talks about the troubles she had in her childhood that left a trail of people that caused her to doubt her…
The power of forgiveness and accessing that power through God. How God can lead us to forgive others and staying grounded in our identity in Him.
Overview: The power of forgiveness
(01:25) Pastor Pitts talks about the troubles she had in her childhood that left a trail of people that caused her to doubt her identity in God.
(04:53) The difference between character and reputation
- Character is who you are.
- Reputation is what people say or think about you. It’s not necessarily the truth. That is their opinion. Their opinion does not mark as true, but your character, that’s who you genuinely are.
- When you really know who you are, then you don’t have to worry about your reputation
- Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking
Related: Is God’s Grace for Me?
(6:19) How do we stay in grounded in our identity in God?
- Through the Bible, through God’s word.
- I say to myself who God says I am.
- Decree and declare God’s word about you out loud.
- There’s a scripture that says we are more than conquerors. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. So these are scriptures that if I ever get into that place where I have low self-esteem, then I decree and declare what God’s word says. Anything that you decree and declare out loud, if you say it out loud long enough, you’ll begin to believe what you hear your mouth say.
Related: 40 Days to Biblical Forgiveness
(8:21) We don’t have the power alone to forgive some people.
- We must access the power of God to forgive others.
- Forgiveness isn’t for the person who wronged you, it’s for you.
- The person who offended you isn’t obsessing about you. They’re sleeping at night. Sometimes they don’t even know they offended you.
Related: 20 Life-Changing Bible Verses About God’s Forgiveness
(11:29) Forgiveness has to be a choice, and not based upon feelings.
(11:56) Pastor Pitts, also a single mother, gives advice to single moms
- Listen to understand versus listening to respond.
More About Pastor Pitts
Rev. Aleechea Pitts, fondly known as “Pastor Pitts” is the founder of Paulean Ministries. She currently serves The Millville Police Dept. as the first Afro-American female Police Chaplain.
Grab her free eBook, “Learn How to Apologize” here.