10 of the Best Christian Podcasts for Women
Share6Pin163Email169 Shares10 of the best Christian podcasts for women, the best episode of each podcast so can you get started listening today, and why these podcasts make the top 10 list. Why I love listening to Christian Podcasts for women Related: How to Start a Christian Podcast in Easy to Follow Steps for Beginners 10…
10 of the best Christian podcasts for women, the best episode of each podcast so can you get started listening today, and why these podcasts make the top 10 list.
Why I love listening to Christian Podcasts for women
- Going to church and listening to the sermon each Sunday isn’t enough to keep me myself focused on God, his plan for me, and his people the other six days of the week.
- The church isn’t asking the hard questions.
- Podcasts hosts discussions we don’t hear on Sunday morning. Conversations around abuse, shame, race, addiction, death, and individual people’s stories through these tough topics with the gospel in the middle.
- Before listening to podcasts, I had a monthly subscription to Audible because I love listening to stories while I work. Eventually, as I discovered more and more podcasts, I found I was less interested in listening to books, and my credits on Audible were expiring. So, I canceled my subscription and now listen to podcasts for free.
- You can listen to podcasts while you clean, walk, drive, work. Anytime you can wear headphones; you can listen to a podcast. Podcasts encourage me to exercise because I want to listen to a specific podcast.
Related: How to Start a Christian Podcast in Easy to Follow Steps for Beginners
10 of the best Christian podcasts for Women you don’t want to miss
1. The Bible Recap
Host: Tara-Leigh Cobble
The Bible Recap is a 5- minute daily podcast that has transformed how I read the Bible.
This podcast is linked to the Chronological Bible reading plan on the Youversion app. The premise is you read the daily message from the reading plan (or in my case, I have it read to me from the app), then the Bible Recap explains what you just read.
I’ve never been so in love with reading my Bible every day! If you listen to no other podcast, make it this one. Discovering and reading the Bible for yourself is the absolute best.
Best episode? Well, there’s an episode for every single day corresponding to the day’s reading, so it depends on what you read in the Bible that day.
Related: promising tips for uplifting quiet time with God
2. Made for This
Host: Jennie Allen
Bible teacher and IF: Gathering founder, Jennie Allen helps women go deeper in their walk with Jesus.
She longs to help others not go through life lonely and find Jesus at the center. Sometimes Jennie has guests on her show, and sometimes it’s just her teaching.
All of her teachings are under 30 minutes and are directly related to doing life for Jesus.
Best episode? Season 1 Episode 2 with her daughter. When Making Friends is Difficult with Kate Allen
3. Jesus Over Everything
Host: Lisa Whittle
Lisa has two shows each week.
On Tuesdays, she interviews a guest for about a half-hour on biblical truths applied to our lives today. At the end of each interview, she asks each guest if you could only say one last thing about Jesus what would it be?
Each week when I hear that question, I ask myself the same thing. Her podcast makes you question if you are putting Jesus over everything in your life.
On Thursdays, its just Lisa in a 5-10 minute talk on a subject showing you how to put Jesus over everything.
I was a contest winner of hers once and had the pleasure of having a private 30-minute conversation with her. She’s full of wisdom and Jesus!
Best episode? It’s hard to pick just one because she has so many to choose from. For an interview, listen to S1E107: Interview with Priscilla Shirer.
4. The Complicated Heart
Host: Sarah Mae
Speaking from the hurt she experienced from her alcoholic mother, Sarah Mae talks through topics of forgiveness and healing when the wound is deep and how to break free. She reinforces this truth: We are only made whole through Jesus.
Best episode? Episode 1 – Susan’s Story: An Intro to The Complicated Heart
Related: What to do in Moment When You Feel Lonely + 3 Things Not to Do
5. The Happy Hour
Host: Jamie Ivey
Each week Jamie interviews another woman of faith and talks to her as if they are sitting down for a happy hour.
The conversations cover everything about life from parenting, marriage, singlehood, tragedies, love, loss, and finding Jesus through it all.
Best episode: The Happy Hour #260: Tess Clarke
6. For The Love
Host: Jen Hatmaker
Jen Hatmaker is one of my favorite authors for both her sense of humor and her ability to discuss challenging topics and examine them with God’s grace.
As I’ve listened to her podcast over the years, my point of view has changed frequently. But she encourages you to lean in.
In many cases, I’ve gained a greater understanding of others through Jesus’s love. Largely thanks to the work Jen Hatmaker does on this podcast, many listeners have laughed their way into a greater understanding for others.
Best episode: Series 08 | Episode 01 – Unequally Saved: The Church’s Role in Racism with Lisa Sharon Harper
7. Honest Conversations
Hosts: Rebecca Carroll and Liz Rodriguez
I had the pleasure of hearing Rebecca Carroll speak at my women’s retreat at my church a year ago. I can tell you her podcast is aptly named.
She and her co-host are down to earth and honest in light of the Bible. They discuss tough topics in light of the gospel. They’ve talked about women’s roles in the church and debunked many incorrect theories by discussing the context of verses that have been incorrectly taught for years.
Best episode: Ep. 3 | How Does God View Women? | Guest: Kaitlyn Schiess
8. Grace for Single Parents
Host: Jen from Grace for Single Parents
I’d be remiss to list my favorite Christian podcasts and not record my own.
I started Grace for Single Parenting because I felt there weren’t any podcasts for single, Christian parents. Often single parents are excluded from the Christian circle, or we’re told to listen and learn from our married brothers and sisters. Sometimes we need to hear from someone who’s been in our shoes.
Best episode: The most played episode to date is Strategies on How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids.
9. Proverbs 31 Ministries
Proverbs 31 podcast is monthly, and I wish they produced weekly shows.
If you’re familiar with their organization, then you’ll enjoy their podcast because it’s on-brand. The same type of materials they put out in blog posts, books, and conferences is on their podcast. My favorites show to date have been the ones where Lysa Turkerst was on with her counselors.
Best episode: I’m Not Qualified to be a Proverbs 31 Woman
10. That Sounds Fun
Host: Annie Downs
Annie hosts different Christian authors, singers, and leaders on her show twice a week. Her interviews are usually over an hour but diverse and entertaining enough to keep me listening.
Best episode: Hard to say. Look at her guests and find one you want to hear from and dig in there. I started with Lauren Daigle. Episode 158: Lauren Daigle
Bonus For My Catholic Friends
11. Daily Rosary Meditations | Catholic Prayers
Host: Dr. Mike Scherschligt
One of the most downloaded Christianity and Catholic podcasts every morning for scripture, meditation, and a Rosary – all under 25 minutes! It’s perfect for your daily commute or morning coffee listening.
Best episode: The Holy Spirit and Mary