How to be your best self again after the end of a relationship
SharePinEmailHow do you become your best again when a relationship ends and get your self-esteem back? Focusing on 4 key areas: Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Spiritually, will help you overcome tough situations and focus on what you can control to transform your life. Below is an overview of my interview with Kimberly of PIES University…
How do you become your best again when a relationship ends and get your self-esteem back? Focusing on 4 key areas: Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Spiritually, will help you overcome tough situations and focus on what you can control to transform your life.
Below is an overview of my interview with Kimberly of PIES University about how to be the best version of yourself. For the complete conversation, listen to podcast #45 of Grace for Single Parents wherever you listen to podcasts.
How to Find Yourself Again After the End of a Relationship
- So many times, when a marriage ends, so much of a person’s identity is changed completely.
- So much of our time, our effort as women and as moms, is tied into what we do, and one of the things that I love to encourage women about is it’s okay to focus on you.
four Areas of Attraction – Your Key to Finding Your Best Self Again
There are 4 steps to falling in love, and the first is attraction. But the physical part of the attraction is only one aspect of attraction. And it’s not even the most important aspect of attraction.
The four areas are physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.
1. Physical
The physical doesn’t have as much to do with how you look or feel inside. Do I feel good in my body or do I have pain? Do I have digestive issues? Do I have sleep problems? Am I stressed out?
When we begin to focus on feeling better, our confidence starts to increase. We feel better about ourselves. Our self-esteem can increase, and we haven’t even changed how we look.
Related: Top 13 Books To Read When Recovering From A Breakup
2. Intellectual attraction
What are you learning? What are you continuing to expand your mind on? Are you reading? Are you listening to podcasts? Maybe you want to finish a degree that you’ve started but never finished.
Another aspect of intellectual attraction has to do with controlling our thoughts. Replacing those negative thoughts, taking control of some of our worries and anxieties, and being intentional, not being fake positive, but really being intentional about seeing the good things happening in life.
3. Emotional attraction
Emotional health is being able to treat me and my actions with grace in a way that evokes positive emotions within me. If I’m stuck in a body and a mind that I don’t like to be around because of what I’m saying to myself, then people won’t want to be around me either. It’s the same with how we act towards other people.
4. Spiritual Attraction
Spiritual attraction is your beliefs and values. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with religion. Although religion has a huge influence on our beliefs and values, our beliefs and values also come from childhood and the experiences we’ve had throughout life.
Related: Simple Self-Love Tips for Single Moms
Working on Yourself to find a partner?
- You must first work on yourself to feel good about yourself, get your confidence back, and find your identity.
- There’s that phrase like attracts like. So if you continue to work on being the best, you can be physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, then you have a better opportunity to attract people, whether that’s just friends romantically, that is also going to be working on becoming the best that they can be physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
This was an overview of my interview with Kimberly of PIES University about how to be the best version of yourself. For the complete conversation, listen to podcast #45 of Grace for Single Parents wherever you listen to podcasts.
More about Kimberly and PIES university
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