The Signs You Need To Know of Gaslighting in Relationships

The Signs You Need To Know of Gaslighting in Relationships

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a victim’s mind, causing them to question their sanity and memories. It is a dangerous form of abuse that can leave victims confused, isolated, and alone. What is gaslighting, and how does it work? Gaslighting is emotional abuse that can…

Help Your Children Walk Through Divorce Without Turning From God

Help Your Children Walk Through Divorce Without Turning From God

Divorce can be a difficult and stressful time for any family, and it can be incredibly challenging for children who may struggle to understand what is happening and why.  When people wrestle with pain and sadness, they may question significant aspects of their lives, such as faith and reason. As a parent, it is essential…

What’s the Biggest Challenge Single Fathers Face?

What’s the Biggest Challenge Single Fathers Face?

This is a guest post. Single parents face many challenges, such as carrying the burden of finances and not having someone to split parental duties and responsibilities. There’s no one to help with housework, drop-off, or pick-up, so he has to face it alone. Although it’s more challenging, being a single parent can be rewarding…

Encouragement for Parents Suffering From C-PTSD

Encouragement for Parents Suffering From C-PTSD

Every parent experiences joys and challenges while raising their kids. There are always ups and downs when you must take care of little ones while tending to your needs. That becomes more complicated when you’re one of the many parents with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). When the brain learns how to cope with the…

The Power of Positive Parenting: How to Raise Happy, Successful Kids

The Power of Positive Parenting: How to Raise Happy, Successful Kids

A single mother knows that raising children alone is a challenge. It can sometimes be overwhelming, but I have found that positive parenting can make all the difference in creating a happy, successful home. Whether you’re a single mom or not, these principles can help you foster strong, positive relationships with your children and set…