Bible Memory Verses: “Z” Psalm 97:8
SharePinEmailPsalm 97:8 is the last of 26 Bible Verses to help your child learn one bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. For each verse in the ABC Bible Verse series, there is a free printable and YouTube video to help you and your child learn 26 bible verses! Memorizing Psalm 97:8 with Kids…
Psalm 97:8 is the last of 26 Bible Verses to help your child learn one bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. For each verse in the ABC Bible Verse series, there is a free printable and YouTube video to help you and your child learn 26 bible verses!
Memorizing Psalm 97:8 with Kids
This is the last verse of the ABC Bible Memory Verse Series for Kids! If you made it this far, you and your child are ready for the 26th verse, letter Z.
Psalm 97:8 “Zion hears and rejoices.”
Note: This post is part of a 26 part series where to help you memorize Bible Verses with your kids. Each post contains 4 elements: a scripture, a video (song), a printable, and teaching. (and sometimes a weekly tip!) There are 26 Bible verses – one for each letter of the alphabet. You can check out the whole series here or just enjoy the resources for memorizing Psalm 97:8 below!
Printable for Psalm 97:8
To print off your verse and have it handy throughout the week, click the image.
Song for Psalm 97:8
The letter Z was a challenge to even find a verse that began with that letter so finding a song for Psalm 97:8 was even more challenging.
What follows is a song for all of Psalm 97. You can skip ahead to minute 1:35 in the song to hear our verse for the letter Z. It’s a short verse so hopefully, your child won’t need too much.
Or as suggested previously, let your child make up their own tune. This may be the perfect way to end the activity for them.
Lesson for Psalm 97:8
To explain the letter Z’s verse to your children, explain what Zion is. For biblical information go here. You may also decide to show your kids pictures.
Ending the Children’s ABC Bible Lesson
After you have successfully learned all 26 ABC Bible verses with your child, you may wonder, “now, what?”
The key is to not stop reviewing the verses. Although it no longer needs to become a deep study, it now needs to become more of a habit to keep all the verses fresh. You can probably recall right now which verses were more difficult to memorize than others. Those will be the first to leave the memory bank.
Ideas to keep it fun for your kids:
- Sing a different verse before bedtime each night.
- Purchase the ABC Memory Workbook and work through a different verse at your child’s pace. Playing games and discussing the verses as you go. This workbook can be used again and again. Bonus: This whole workbook is printer-friendly.
- At the end of each month have a “contest” and see who can still recite the most verses from the ABC Bible memory verses. For each one they get right, they get a quarter or a piece of candy. Purchase the ABC Games to help you keep this fresh and exciting each time.
- If you printed a copy of the Bible verse for each letter, rotate a different verse in a frame each week or so and keep it hanging up where everyone can see it.
ABC Workbook for Kids
If you haven’t bought the ABC Workbook for Kids, now’s a perfect time.
Just as your children may be forgetting Verse F, you can play one of five memory worksheets included in the workbook for each letter. All the ABC Memory Products are available here.