Bible Memory Verses: “Q” James 1:19
SharePinEmailJames 1:19 is one of 26 Bible Verses to help your child learn one bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. For each verse in the ABC Bible Verse series, there is a free printable and YouTube video to help you and your child learn 26 bible verses! James 1:19 Verse Q Memory verse…
James 1:19 is one of 26 Bible Verses to help your child learn one bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. For each verse in the ABC Bible Verse series, there is a free printable and YouTube video to help you and your child learn 26 bible verses!
James 1:19 Verse Q Memory verse for kids
For our “Q” verse we have James 1:19:
Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.
If you are learning these verses alongside your children, which it’s almost impossible not to, this is one I think we as adults need just as much as our children.
free Printable
To print out a printer version of James 1:19, click on the link below.
Lesson for James 1:19
When I hear James 1:19 I immediately think of all the things I said during the day impulsively to others.
The Bible Reference states this verse actually means letting God be in control. When we quickly respond to others in anger, it is actually our way of trying to control our circumstances. Instead, we should give God control.
Related: How Mom Can Be the Spiritual Leader in the Home
Teaching for Children
A great lesson for children can be found here that centers around dealing with anger biblically. There are different ideas depending on how many kids you have.
Video for James 1:19
Depending on how old your children are, this may be perfect and adorable…or it may be too young.
Either way, I promise it will do the trick – you will memorize the verse (and tune) immediately and years later you won’t forget it. I sure haven’t.
Weekly tip
Try bringing the weekly bible verse into your nightly prayer. For example, this week you could ask God to help you and your kids to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to
become angry when talking to your friends or teachers tomorrow.”
ABC Bible Memory Series
Just joining us? We are working our way through the alphabet, memorizing one Bible verse for each letter. Every post will contain the following concepts:
- Learning the verse in song or a fun tune
- Repeating the verse daily
- Hanging the verse up where you will see it
- Building excitement, having a fun goal around memorization = learning in ABC fashion gives an endpoint
- Understanding the meaning of the verse
Find the full index here..