Fun Days to Celebrate in April with Kids
SharePinEmailApril is more than just April Fools Day. There are actually 101 fun days to celebrate in April with your kids! Fun Days to Celebrate in April with Kids April is more than just April Fools Day. There are actually 101 fun days to celebrate in April with your kids! It doesn’t matter where you…
April is more than just April Fools Day. There are actually 101 fun days to celebrate in April with your kids!
Fun Days to Celebrate in April with Kids
April is more than just April Fools Day. There are actually 101 fun days to celebrate in April with your kids! It doesn’t matter where you live and takes little to no planning. You just gotta be ready to celebrate the ordinary days and have fun with your kids! Are you ready?
We will start with the most obvious, April Fool’s Day. But as we go on, you’ll see there so much more to April to enjoy! Actually, way many wackier “holidays” than I’ve mentioned here. To get the full calendar for April click here.
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April Fools’ Day – Apr 1
Personally, I’m too tired to prank my kids all day. If telling them a few jokes is more your style, these will probably get some laugh out of young ones.
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day – Apr 2
Sounds like an easy dinner…and lunch…and since its peanut butter and jelly day, maybe make breakfast out of it too and make toast!
School Librarian Day – Apr 4
So often we rush to make Teacher Appreciation Day gifts and the support staff get left out. I think it’s nice to have these days and to actually take the time to recognize them! Have your child bring the librarian a coffee in the morning, take her treats, a $10 gift card, or even have your child give her a card if funds are tight.
National Walking Day – First Wednesday in April
Have you been putting off that new exercise routine until the weather improves? Here’s your perfect opportunity – a National Day to get out and walk! Here’s a 12-week walking schedule to get you going.
National Burrito Day– 1st Thursday of April
There are lots of ideas you can do with the different National “insert food” Day themes. For example, with the burrito day, you can do like what was mentioned above with the peanut butter and jelly day and serve it in different ways for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Or for dinner you can get burritos from different restaurants and have your child try them all, picking their favorite. Don’t let them know which one came from which place. Or try out a new recipe together.
All of these activities will be a lot of fun for your child, one they won’t soon forget, and a great way to spend time together.
National Love Our Children Day – First Saturday in April
Every Mother’s Day kids always ask when is kids’ day? And as a parent, we feel like every day is kids’ day, but now, here is their day. So love on them how you want. Tell them its Love Your Kid day and love how you love. There’s no way they will complain about that!
Name Yourself Day – Apr 9
Let your kids come up with the names they wish they were born with and try calling them that for the full day. It’ll be funny to see what they come up with and if everyone can keep it up for the full day! Heck, maybe you don’t want to be called Mom today.
National Cheese Fondue Day – Apr 11
Kids love cheese (who doesn’t)! Dipping bread or making a dinner out of it and dipping chicken or sausage into your cheese fondue would be a fun evening! Here’s a simple recipe without using a fondue pot.
Scrabble Day – Apr 13
Scrabble is a great way to sneak in learning with your kids and get in quality time with a fun game. There are different Junior versions now that would be more fun for kids, including a Disney version.
Titanic Remembrance Day – Apr 15
Also known as tax day, but much more fun to watch Rose and Jack if your kids are old enough!
World Art Day – Apr 15
If you have a Children’s museum in your area, they may be celebrating today and you can go there to get their surfaces messy. If not, let your children mess things up around your place and see what masterpieces they create.
International Juggler’s Day – Apr 18
Spend some time with your kids learning how to juggle. Kids love juggling and all adults really need to learn how to play some more! Here’s a beginner’s video.
Volunteer Recognition Day – Apr 20
Although this is a day set aside to recognize those who volunteer, what most do is…volunteer! Here are 7 ideas to volunteer with your children.
National Pigs in a Blanket Day – Apr 24
Perfect kid’s food! In fact, if you’re looking for a way to get them cooking, this might be a good meal. You may want to add fruit as a side dish since this isn’t the healthiest of all meals! I like to take the pre-cooked sausage links and crescent rolls and wrap them up and bake them according to the directions on the back of the crescent rolls. Doesn’t get easier than that!
National Pretzel Day – Apr 26
Treat your kids to those yummy mall pretzels or if you’re more adventurous try making them at home! Here’s a copycat recipe.
Take Your Daughter to Work 4th Thursday
I don’t know of many workplaces that do this anymore (or schools that agree to it). But I remember doing this with my father when I was young. If you can take advantage of it – do! It’s definitely a memory your daughter will have forever!
Adopt a Shelter Pet Day – Apr 30
If you aren’t quite up for adopting a shelter pet, you can take your kids to visit them. While you’re there, make sure to take some old blankets or comforters as a donation. Most of us have these stuffed away in our closets and they can be used at the pet shelters!
101 Fun Days to Celebrate in April
That was just a sampling of what there is to do in April no matter where you live. Would you like the full list of 101 National Days to celebrate in April? You can get it for free here.
Check out the other months of the year here!